Our story


Inspire your clients

Create photorealistic renderings with a click!

Inspire potential clients from the very first meeting with photorealistic renderings. Create different proposals effortlessly with different colour and material variations.

You can also present the same room with various furniture, objects and arrangement scenarios.

This will speed the decision making process and your client knows exactly what to expect!

Sim­ple but ef­fec­tive:
Pa­let­te CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign

One so­lu­ti­on for all your pro­ces­ses:

Are you loo­king for CAD soft­ware for car­pen­ters that hand­les ever­y­thing in­vol­ved in the de­sign pro­cess? Do you want an easy way to wow your cust­o­m­ers with your de­signs? Whe­ther in the de­sign or con­struc­tion pro­cess, Pa­let­te CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign brings to­ge­ther all the soft­ware fea­tures you need to na­vi­ga­te the steps in­vol­ved with a mi­ni­mum of fuss.

Palette CAD

The multi-purpose 3D interior design software

From the initial spark of inspiration to the finished room, and from the first rough sketch through to the finished furniture, our 3D CAD software allows you to design and showcase your projects, order the materials you need and create the perfect blueprints to ensure the construction process runs smoothly. And if required, you can send the design data straight to a CNC machine.

Our CAD software has a range of practical and automatic features, all of which have been developed by experts to meet the everyday needs of designers and manufacturers, and are continuously being enhanced to make your work easier and much more efficient. 

Frequently asked Questions about Palette CAD


To save your de­signs, click on the disk icon in the plan­ning win­dow at the bot­tom right of the screen. In the save menu pro­vi­de the file with a name fi­nal­ly save it with the but­ton "Save As".
It is cur­rent­ly not pos­si­ble to print de­signs in Pa­let­te Home from mo­bi­le de­vices. Prin­ting in the web / brow­ser ver­si­on is only ac­tiva­ted in paid ver­si­ons.
You can in­crea­se the num­ber of save slots in the An­dro­id and iOS app. De­pen­ding on which sub­scrip­ti­on you choo­se, you can un­lock 15 or 50 save slots. The­re is also a sub­scrip­ti­on to purcha­se sto­r­a­ge space and ac­cess to our Pa­let­te Cloud. Your de­signs are stored se­cu­re­ly in our Cloud and can be ac­ces­sed across dif­fe­rent mo­bi­le de­vices and across ope­ra­ting sys­tems.

Browser Version

With the brow­ser ver­si­on, the brow­ser ma­na­ges the sa­ved files its­elf. Your files can be de­le­ted, if the brow­ser cle­ans up old files or you ma­nu­al­ly cle­ar the brow­ser cache. If you have ac­tiva­ted in­crea­sed se­cu­ri­ty set­tings in the brow­ser, which cau­se the brow­ser to cle­ar the cache when you exit the pro­gram, it is pos­si­ble that your save files will be de­le­ted. We also pro­vi­de Pa­let­te Home as a free app on the Goog­le Play and iOS App stores. With the­se ver­si­ons, your files are ma­na­ged by the app and are only lost if the app is un­in­stal­led, or the app is re­set to the de­fault fac­to­ry set­tings. You can also purcha­se ac­cess to our Pa­let­te Cloud wi­t­hin the apps via an in-app sub­scrip­ti­on. The sa­ved files can then be stored safe­ly in the cloud and ac­ces­sed across dif­fe­rent de­vices and plat­forms. With the brow­ser ver­si­on, you should also make sure that you are using the same brow­ser and the same pro­fi­le. Be­cau­se every brow­ser only “sees” the files that have been crea­ted with this brow­ser and with the re­spec­tive pro­fi­le.
This can have many dif­fe­rent re­a­sons: On the one hand, it is pos­si­ble that the brow­ser is no lon­ger re­cei­ving en­ough me­mo­ry from the ope­ra­ting sys­tem. This can hap­pen if you have many brow­ser tabs opened at the same time, es­pe­cial­ly many tabs with the web plan­ner. Falls Sie vie­le Tabs of­fen ha­ben, dann schlie­ßen Sie ei­ni­ge da­von. On the other hand, lo­cal­ly cached files may be cor­rup­ted or out of date. The brow­ser cache is a kind of in­ter­me­dia­te sto­r­a­ge for In­ter­net pa­ges. When you vi­sit a web­site, parts of the web­site (e.g., images, CSS, or Ja­va­Script files) are sa­ved on the user's hard dri­ve. If you come back to the same web­site la­ter, you no lon­ger have to down­load all the parts of the page again. Ins­tead, the brow­ser can ac­cess the files in the cache and dis­play the page fas­ter. To fix this er­ror, try force­ful­ly re­loa­ding the page. For ex­amp­le, with ctrl + F5. If that does not help, you will have to cle­ar the brow­ser cache. The down­si­de to this, is that any exis­ting save files will also be de­le­ted. You can cle­ar the cache, as fol­lows Microsoft Edge:
  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + Delete keys
  • Make sure the checkbox Cached images and files is selected and then click the button Clear now.
  • Click on the ... symbol in the upper right corner
  • Select Settings
  • Select Privacy, search and services and then locate Clear browsing data. Click the button Choose what to clear
  • Select an appropriate time range and make sure the checkbox Cached images and files is checked.
  • Then click the button Clear now
Google Chrome:
  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + Delete keys
  • Select an appropriate time range from the corresponding drop-down button.
  • Activate the checkbox Cached images and files and select the button Clear data.
  • Click on the menu symbol next to the address bar (three horizontal bars)
  • Select More tools
  • Then chose Clear browsing data...
  • Select an appropriate time range and make sure the checkbox Cached images and files is activated.
  • Click on the button Clear data
Mozilla Firefox:
  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + Delete keys
  • In the pop-up window select Cache and then click on OK.
  • Click on the menu symbol next to the address bar (three horizontal bars)
  • Select Options and then Privacy & Security and then scroll to Cookies and Site Data
  • Click on Clear Data and make sure the checkbox Cached Web Content is selected.
  • Click the button Clear
Apple Safari:
  • Press the Cmd + Alt + E
  • In the Safari menu, click Clear History ...
  • Select an appropriate time range
  • Now select Clear History

Bluetooth & Laser Measurement

The la­ser mea­su­re­ment func­tion is only avail­able on the An­dro­id and iOS plat­forms. It must also be purcha­sed via an in-app sub­scrip­ti­on.

  • Is the device on our list of supported devices? If not, we cannot guarantee that the device is compatible with our app.
  • Make sure that Bluetooth is activated in the settings of the operating system. If you need to activate Bluetooth via the operating system, then close and restart the app.
  • Make sure that you have also bought the relevant subscription and that it is active. If the subscription is no longer active, then the features activated via subscription will no longer work either.
  • Check that Bluetooth is also activated on the laser measurement device and that the device is also switched on.
  • Make sure that the laser measuring device is not paired with another app or with another end device. Some laser measuring devices can only be paired with one end device at a time.
  • Does the app have permission to use Bluetooth? If not, you can find the permission settings here:Android: If the app does not have authorization for Bluetooth / location, long press the app icon then select "App info – App permissions" iOS: If the app does not have authorization for Bluetooth, go into the iOS settings, scroll down to the Palette Home app and select Bluetooth"

My Subscription

1. Do you have a va­lid sub­scrip­ti­on?
Android: You can find out whe­ther you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the Play Store app:  “Play Store - My Pro­fi­le - Pay­ments and Sub­scrip­ti­ons”. Af­ter re­instal­ling the app, the sub­scrip­ti­on, if avail­able, should be ac­tiva­ted im­me­dia­te­ly af­ter laun­ching the app. iOS: You can find out whe­ther you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings:  “Set­tings - My App­le ID - Sub­scrip­ti­ons”. Af­ter re­instal­ling the app, the purcha­se may not be ac­tiva­ted im­me­dia­te­ly. Wi­t­hin the app you will find a "Restore purchases" but­ton in the screen for the in-app purcha­ses.
2. Has the sub­scrip­ti­on been ac­tiva­ted in the app?
You can tell whe­ther the sub­scrip­ti­on has been ac­tiva­ted in the app, for ex­amp­le, by che­cking whe­ther a tu­to­ri­al/​help sec­tion is dis­play­ed in the screen for the in-app purcha­ses. This help sec­tion is only dis­play­ed if you have a va­lid in-app sub­scrip­ti­on.
3. The sub­scrip­ti­on is still not ac­tiva­ted cor­rect­ly?
Plea­se check whe­ther you are log­ged into the cor­rect ac­count in the re­spec­tive store (Play Store, App Store).
iOS: You can also ve­ri­fy if you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings:  “Set­tings - My App­le ID - Me­dia & Purcha­ses - View Ac­count - Subs­rip­ti­ons”
You can can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on at any time: Android: „Goog­le Play Store - My Pro­fi­le set­tings - Pay­ments and sub­scrip­ti­ons - Sub­scrip­ti­ons“ iOS: „Set­tings - My App­le ID - Subs­rip­ti­ons“
The sub­scrip­ti­on should work on a ma­xi­mum of 10 de­vices with the same App­le ID. On iOS, it is pos­si­ble to use a se­pa­ra­te App­le ID for each App­le ser­vice (iCloud, App Store, etc.). Af­ter log­ging in to a dif­fe­rent App­le ID, the re­fe­rence to the in-app sub­scrip­ti­on in the App Store may be de­le­ted. Plea­se ve­ri­fy that the ID with which the sub­scrip­ti­on was purcha­sed is the one you use to log in on the de­vice and in the App Store. You can ve­ri­fy this on the start page of the app store, in your app store pro­fi­le set­tings. Also you can check if you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings: “Set­tings - My App­le ID - Me­dia & Purcha­ses - View Ac­count - Subs­rip­ti­ons”
Android Un­for­t­u­n­a­te­ly, this is cur­rent­ly not pos­si­ble on An­dro­id. iOS: „Set­tings - My App­le ID - Subs­rip­ti­ons“ and then select a dif­fe­rent sub­scrip­ti­on.

Help Function

The­re is a help func­tion in most of the screens. When you click on Help (the but­ton with the ques­ti­on mark), a win­dow ap­pears that ex­plains the re­le­vant func­tions.
You can find a paid vi­deo tu­to­ri­al se­ries here: https://www.palette-academy.com/palette-home/ Howe­ver, at the mo­ment the vi­de­os are only in Ger­man.
Down­loa­ding or syn­chro­ni­zing sce­nes is only pos­si­ble via the Pa­let­te Cloud. Ac­cess to the Pa­let­te Cloud can be purcha­sed via „Busi­ness sub­scrip­ti­on” pa­cka­ge. To do ac­cess the Pa­let­te Cloud af­ter suc­cess­ful­ly crea­ting an ac­count, select the save icon at the bot­tom right of the screen. If you have cloud ac­cess creden­ti­als and you are log­ged in, a cloud icon will ap­pe­ar at the top left in the ave menu If you click on the cloud, you switch from lo­cal sto­r­a­ge, to the cloud sto­r­a­ge All plan­ning sa­ved here can be used across plat­forms and de­vices.